Monday, March 05, 2012


Was discharged 2 days after he was born... but sadly JD couldn't come home with me. He had jaundice and had to stay in for another two days :'( Well, actually it was better because we could all use that day to rest.

I did my confinement for one month and everyone came to help me out, so glad I have so many loving people around. My mum made a deposit for a confinement lady but i didnt want to hire her because the price to pay is SO SO EXPENSIVE. around 2-3k. Sort of regretted because I made everyone so busy and tired :'(

Kong kong - took half day from work to come to bathe my baby in the morning for A WEEK. She had to travel from her place at 7am and then go to work at 1pm.

My mum and elder sis - came over almost everyday to look after me and baby. Even brought food that my grandma cook for me also. Although I order confinement food from essential food that specializes in confinement food for a month.

Auntie Pam ; MIL - cook my confinement food for weekends because I didn't order the tingkat on weekends.

PB - HUBBY - Was always there for me too... although some days he goes out to party without me! Well... he needed some time off too as a new father adapting to fatherhood.

JD was discharged but had to stay in again because his jaundice went higher.. mainly because he didn't have enough milk I guess. So... I gave up on breastfeeding after ONLY two weeks and started him on formula milk.. Guess I wasn't persistent enough. People are still feeding their babies breast milk after 3 months :'(

It was december while I was having my confinement.Raining everyday and the sun wasn't shining into my house... so my sis and me went to the extend of bringing him to the staircase to sun him lol we even had mac breakfast outside while sunning him lol


My confinement days was easy. I bathed everyday with the herbal water that had to be boiled 3 times, I washed my hair every 3 days. I had my fan on no matter where I was.. I went out for a movie, for shopping after gynae checkup. Went to dye my atrocious hair! And went to club right after that 28 day of confinement and that was the best night I had after a year.

Well, i did follow some "rules" of confinement like no water only red date drink. Not even a sip of cold drink. Some other things which I forgotten already. The only thing that i hated so much to take is DOM. It sucks even though its alcohol.


It is tough being a first time mum with zero knowledge of anything but thank God I have a sis who I look up to, great mum, great sister who teaches me everything. And thank God for google.

Check out his burp face, classic max. Thats all for now, i have more photos to update in the next post! He is only 3 months old now but I have so many hundred pictures of him... <3

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